Empowering you with technical & vocational skills for a promising future

Unlock your potential and embark on a fulfilling career with Handworka, the leading Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET) startup revolutionizing the informal sector through education. 

Featured Courses

Discover our carefully curated collection of top-selling courses offered by industry-leading experts

A Community for Trainers and Trainees

HandWorka? Here’s what sets us apart:

Practical, Industry-Relevant Training:

Our carefully designed programs offer real-world, practical training that directly aligns with industry needs.

Expert Instructors:

Learn from the best in the industry! Our experienced instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom.

Trainee Groups:

Social Groups, Classes, and batches for a holistic learning environment

Personalised Focus:

Our trainee-centered approach allows you to learn at your own pace and focus on areas that interest you the most.


Join the HandWorka community.

Access Exclusive Learning Opportunities: Engage in interactive workshops, training sessions, and webinars led by industry experts and experienced mentors. Enhance your skills, learn from the best, and stay updated with industry trends